random drawing of random character with no name and undefined genderoh look a dennysoh no, what did they find in the dennys( the first person to reply to what they found inside the dennys will have it be depicted in the next drawing )
mrsentrybuster : obviously they found out that the denny's is actually a living organism and they've walked into it's mouth.
yikes! what would the best course of action they could take in this situation?
mrsentrybuster : run the fuck away
they were able to escape its mouth but it broke out of the ground and is probably about to chase them,
what is the next course of action they should do?
mrsentrybuster : call the SCP foundation, they will take care of it easily
they don't know who or what that is,
and even if they did, with what phone!?
Though the evil dennys seems to not be very fast.
whats the next course of action?oh look a rock
mrsentrybuster : i bet that rock is a gunowner
they go behind the rock and thats half-true,
theres a crossbow with 4 arrows behind the rock for some reasonwhats there next course of action?
mrsentrybuster : crucify that denny's.
mrsentrybuster : success
for the first in their life, they slain a decently sized monster!